1105 Greenbrier Street, Saint Paul, MN 55106 651 621 5469


We might not have all the answers, but we can do our best to help!

See below for a list of resources, and click the green title to navigate to the page

(also under Resource on the navigation menu).


See our Services page for more information about how you can access the archives! We hold many items that may

aid your research. Please note that our services has rules and regulations, as well as a fee.


Most Hmong American families came to this country with very minimal worldly possessions other than clothing

and a few documents. Learn a few basic steps you can take to preserve your family history.


There is a community of Hmong organizations and businesses online that provides products and services in various

areas of interest and outreach. As such, if you are searching for something at Hmong Archives but did not find it

here, please check out these other websites.