Welcome to
Hmong Archives
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Our mission is to research, collect, preserve, interpret, and
disseminate materials in all formats about or by Hmong.
Our vision is to be an advocate,
as one of the first Hmong establishments in this field,
for Hmong communities to actively self-preserve Hmong heritage.
As of December 31, 2020, our volunteers have
given 40,346 hours; 4,901 visitors have signed our
guestbook; From 1,209 donors worldwide,
Hmong Archives have accessioned 223,676 items.
The collection is varied and significant, including
documents, books, photographs, videos, sound
recordings, brochures, newspapers, periodicals,
cards, maps, and cultural objects such as musical
instruments and paj ntaub. Together they create a
representation and record of Hmong history and
Through generous donors and volunteers,
Hmong Archives became a reality. We have
been collecting and preserving donations ever
since incorporating as a 501 (c) 3 Nonprofit on
February 10, 1999.